Group Hike/Led by a Certified Hike Leader/Car shuttle
This badge is only offered and earned through registration on the Bruce Trail Hike schedule by Certified Hike Leaders who offer their guidance, expertise and organizational skills to lead this series of six hikes. It is randomly scheduled when a Hike Leader chooses for typically up to 12 hikers. Hikers must register and complete the six scheduled hikes with this small group led by the Bruce Trail Certified Hike Leader. The badge cannot be earned independently. Two of the scheduled hikes can be completed independently if you have a scheduling conflict. If you only need a portion of the section the cost is the same and registration is at the discretion of the Hike Leader. Please check with the Hike Leader to be sure it is OK to complete only the portion you require. You will not qualify for this badge, but the Red Fox badge would be available to you.
The Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club will run as many series as possible with multiple Hike Leaders at easy, moderate, and fast paces. Certified Hike Leaders from other clubs are welcome to lead a series. Please reach out to the Iroquoia Hike Director for the suggested schedule or you may plan one on your own.
Registration is $30 for members and $40 for non-members and includes your badge. Hike Leaders do not pay. The fee helps the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club in its efforts to support the Bruce Trail Conservancy's Mission of "Preserving a ribbon of wilderness, for everyone, forever."