For many Ontarians February 2nd is when Wiarton Willy wakes up to predict an early or late spring. In 1971, this same day was officially recognized as World Wetlands Day in Ramsar, Iran on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Wetlands are considered essential centres for biodiversity, carbon sequestering (process of capturing CO2 from air), water management and cleansing. But many of us don’t really understand how they work and why they are so important.
We have been hearing a lot lately about how our wetlands are threatened in the face of development pressures and laws like Bill 23. So, what’s the big deal? We’re going to find out by dedicating 2023 to wetlands education. We will be learning about our marshes and swamps with the help of our partners in Niagara, Hamilton and Halton Regions. We will be visiting places like Hamilton Conservation Authority’s Valens Lake, Fletcher Creek Fen, Saltfleet, RBG’s Cootes Marsh and Grindstone Creek to name a few.
Keep looking at our hike calendar for gentle hikes led by wetlands experts along with our trained BTC leaders. Send your pictures #wetlandsBTC on social media.
During Earth Week, on Tuesday, April 18th at 7 pm, at McMaster Innovation Park, you and your guests are invited to a free evening to enjoy talks by:
- Michael McDonald, CEO, Bruce Trail Conservancy
- Bruce Mackenzie former Customer Service & Conservation Director HCA
- Tys Theysmeyer, Head of Natural Lands, Royal Botanical Gardens
- Scott Peck Director Watershed Management, HCA.
Bring your questions about preservation & restoration challenges, carbon capture, ‘offsetting’ etc.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Kathrin König, Publicity & Public Education Director, IBTC
Education Team member, Bron