About Us

About Us

The Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club is one of nine member clubs that form the Bruce Trail Conservancy. Our mission is to preserve a ribbon of wilderness for everyone, forever. Accomplishing this goal means maintaining our land for the safety of wildlife and hikers, a 122 km stretch of trail that runs from Grimsby in the south to the 401.

Beginning in the south, the Iroquoia Section of the Bruce Trail hugs the ancient shoreline of Lake Iroquoia, following the winding path of the Niagara Escarpment, and forming a horseshoe around the western end of Lake Ontario. While the Trail passes through a densely populated area (the City of Hamilton), for the most part the hiker will be walking on a woodland path with only occasional glimpses of the surrounding urban sprawl. Our Trail and its surrounding natural areas are home to many species of bird, plants and animals.

The Iroquoia Section has an abundance of waterfalls, splashing their way over the Escarpment: Tiffany, Sherman, Webster's, Tew, and Borer's. Most of these waterfalls can be seen in a full day of hiking across the Dundas Valley. Largely the Iroquoia Trails cross parkland and conservation areas, with some parts of our Trail crossing private lands with special landowner permission. Without the goodwill and cooperation of the Landowners, the Bruce Trail could not exist. Please respect the lands you walk on!


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< IBTC Annual Report 2022-2023

< IBTC Annual Report 2021-2022

< IBTC Annual Report 2020-2021